Interview with Amy

An Interview with Amy Miller by Karen Davis

What were your early memories of horses?

We had horses at home in the backyard because my Mom rode. Our neighbors gave us a Shetland pony named Babydoll: she used to scrape me off on tree trunks, under low sections of the barn roof and if all else failed, she lowered her head and shook hard which made the saddle ride up onto her neck, me included. Next, Mom bought a nice big grey Arab gelding: he was meant for her, but he adopted me instead. I used to ride bareback all the time because I couldn’t lift the saddle that high. I’d climb up the pipe corral fence and crawl onto his back, then we’d set out for the trails, complete with picnic lunch.

What made you end up riding dressage as opposed to other horse sports?

Because I am the most exacting person in the universe so it fits me! Actually, I was taking jumping lessons when my instructor stopped teaching the jumping classes and started dressage lessons instead. I thought I was hot stuff because I was learning “lateral” movements. Little did I know how far there was to go!

Most important teachers, both horse and human?

Human, so far? Sherry Guess.
Aside from the life lessons, she started working with Mary Wanless shortly after I started taking lessons from her. This brought about a whole new way to think about riding, from a perspective that included the biomechanics of the rider, including how to make the rider’s aids the most effective and the least destructive/blocking.
Horse: Again, so far:
Dustin Joe, a Thoroughbred that used to run away with his other owner. One day, I just let him run until he was finished. Then we cantered for a while longer and he didn’t run away anymore. He taught me perseverance, patience and that the more I could sensitize my riding, the better results we could achieve.

How does being a Physical Therapist affect your riding?

The PT experience has helped me increase my problem-solving mindset. If it isn’t going well, then the PT part of my brain helps me take the task apart into smaller components to try and determine which part is missing or needs shoring up. I plan my exercises for the horses based on muscles and mechanics. What we’re going to do each day, how we alternate different types of work, how many repetitions to try…but once I’m in the saddle, then it’s all about combining thinking, planning and feeling. When they merge perfectly, it’s magical.

As a Physical Therapist, have you gained insight into how a horse can move and how you can help train them in greater comfort?

I definitely think of the biomechanics of the horses. When a front leg doesn’t cross midline well enough during halfpass, when I’m grooming the next day I’ll poke around the scapula to see if I can find any muscular restrictions. When we’re struggling with collections, I check out the lumbosacral joint to see if there are muscle spasms or fatigue. I also try to be sensitive to the number of repetitions I request of new, difficult exercises.

Any horse in history to ride: who would it be and why?

Man o’ War – to feel the power of that stride.

Any instructor in history: who would it be and why?

Podhajsky from the Spanish riding school, because the horses were so systematically taught that the rider could take the skills to the next horse. It wasn’t a trick or by chance that the horses could perform all of the school movements.

What would you hope for your epitaph?

Passionate woman who gave her all without losing herself.

What would be the biggest compliment a student, and then an instructor, could give you?

Student: “I did it myself!” Such glee in their faces when they can reconstruct the work on their own!
Instructor: “I didn’t think that horse would be able to complete that skill, and now you have!”

Biggest positive moment as a horsewoman?

Discovering the music when you ride. One time at a horse show we were so in-tune with each other, each stride, each movement with such perfect timing, I rode to the music I heard, particularly at the canter. Then when I finished I asked if I could have a copy of the CD. Turns out, there wasn’t any music playing; all the music came from the inside, and that’s the biggest secret.